I'm Catholic, but Notre Dame ablaze might be poetic divine justice

So the 'Crown of Thorns' allegedly worn by the Christ was just about salvaged in the fire at Notre Dame. Such relics in a country that legalises same-sex marriage is a mockery and replication of the pain and suffering Jesus had to endure with the Crown of Thorns itself isn't it. Mourning the Burning of the Notre Dame as a National Monument in a country that legalises same-sex marraige is like mourning the bloodied clothes of The Christ, but not his Crucifixion.

Mourning the Burning of the Notre Dame as a National Monument in a country that legalises same-sex marriage is like mourning the bloodied clothes of The Christ, but not his Crucifixion.

Well, i'm not saying that France has to be pure in order to host this alleged relic, but celebrating impurity would certainly disqualify it don't you think.

That is basically my main problem with the LGBTQ nonsense. It is not the 'sin' of it that bothers me - as i'm no saint myself - but celebrating it as alright, normal, and evidence of 'being free'. That is why the Notre Dame burning was a tragic comedy of divinely poetic judicial proportions when one considers the entire context. The church is pretty much superfluous in much of the west at present. Whether they go up in flames, or converted to pubs, is of no consequence as the Spirit has already been exorcised by mass approval and celebration of debauchery. It shows the eradication of moral conflict itself. And in that, there is no redemption whatsoever.

However, i do stand with the Catholic communities in these countries in their stand against the normalisation of LGBTQuism. But my issue is with the Notre Dame being celebrated and mourned as a 'National' monument.

When a Nation votes to legalise same-sex marriage, it relinquishes all claims to its religious monuments, and its religious past.

When a Nation votes to legalise same-sex marriage, it relinquishes all claims to its religious monuments, and its religious past. The nation is immediately and effectively divided into 2, comprising those whom vote 'yes' to normalise and legalise homosexual marriages, and those who don't, and refuse to do so due to their being a legacy of the nation's religious past.

Hence, i'd like to think that the fire at Notre Dame was literally an Act of God. God isn't an idiot. Don't treat him like one.


personally, i don't think these are the original 'Crown of Thorns' worn by Jesus Christ. I think it's just propaganda designed to get people to get in touch with the past, as if they were there at the Crucifixion. It would certainly inspire a sense of awe, and make an event that happened 2000 years ago more real, and more explicitly relevant in one' present day belief.

It's not unlike people maintaining historical monuments, to getting signed memorabillia of some vaunted 'star'. And the west being in possession of these relics, in post-colonial times, just serves to further the perceived value of the white race itself, if not in intent, certainly in consequence.

That is why so few actually think the Pope is a white supremacist dipstick who has no problem with one pope after another being white, or not realising that the appreciation of the image of God in which we are made, is narrowed to the white man's idea of what we are. Given the white man's own particular history, there's only so much that it will enable him to sense and see. And his interpretations of anything will always be based not only on the ensuing poverty of his knowledge, but the accompanying wealth of ignorance.


