Dear British....on shakycam brit productions

I had looked forward to, and started watching, 'The Last Kingdom' series yesterday on Netflix, about the rise of Alfred the Great.  Well, i started, put up with it for about 10 minutes, and had to switch it off with disgust.  Yet another British let-down - unlike in the past.

Dear British,  Have you heard of a tripod?  Or do you make it a point to only employ people with some affliction that causes their hands to shaky shake shake uncontrollably.  Or maybe you give first preference for these jobs to serial wankers perhaps?   If so, in view of the admirable 'equal opportunities' policy in Britain, well done.  If not, then what the crap's wrong with you?

Shaky cameras are for morons, or turn you into one, as it causes a cessation of thought, and trains one to be more of a 'reactor' rather than a legacy of the Cartesian, Cogito ergo Sum.

Why, pray tell, must the British, whom are indisputably far smarter than the Americans, pick up every single ridiculous trend that comes from the latter eh?  Are you trying to dumb your population down to the level of americans so that greater unity might result?

Shaky cameras are for morons, or turn you into one, as it causes a cessation of thought, and trains one to be more of a 'reactor' rather than a legacy of the Cartesian, Cogito ergo Sum.  And when you pair this sort of reaction-promotion in the movies with like buttons and emoticons in place of actual thought and analysis; smartphones that are an inconvenient medium through which one might forward a lengthier and more insightful opinion, and hence, being brief in thought and word; music that are debased, shallow and depthless in composition and content; gory movie productions; amongst others, this is nothing short of a blitzkrieg on the intellectual and adult potentials of humanity.

Shows with shaky cams cannot appeal to adults as the adult mind is supposed to 'enjoy' things via processing information and thinking along with entertainment - and which used to be an integral part of 'being entertained' - as opposed to shutting down this faculty in favour of just having your anxiety and stress levels brought up and having this associated with the production so that one can think one has 'enjoyed' it because one 'felt a lot' (of stress) whilst watching it.

It is only the lesser mind that gets a thrill from a mental version of physically electrocuting oneself for the sake of 'entertainment' coming from 'feeling alot' from said electrocution.  Other equivalents would be getting someone to shake you about whilst you're reading an exciting part in a book, or perhaps, tazing yourself mildly whenever someone recounts an exciting event so that you can enjoy it even more.

Stress is supposed to be deadly, but now you've turned it into entertainment?

What sort of insanity is that?  Stress is supposed to be deadly, but now you've turned it into entertainment?

And this rubbish production actually received a 'British Academy Television Craft Award for Special, Visual & Graphic Effects'.  As Rumpole would say, 'the mind boggles'.

Consider this important point.

It took a particular degree of underdevelopment amongst the americans before they started with their grossly gory, shaky camera, and rubbish music post-90s.  People had to become base enough to not baulk at such rubbish, or young enough to not know better, and hence, perpetually underdeveloped to serve as a constant market for such insane rubbish.

The British aren't that sort - as experienced in my more than a decade living in the UK.  But when you replicate the result of american underdevelopment in the UK, even though the Brits aren't underdeveloped like the Americans, you will end up that way.  A shortcut to intellectual degeneracy.

There is little point to all your etiquette and decorum, literary legacies, keeping calm, reasonable approaches, soft tones, and tea and crumpets, if you're going to sup on shaky cameras and bloody raw entertainment in between you know.  The latter is just going to undo the achievements of the former, increase the incidence of social alienation to psychological ailments, and at best, make it a pretentious effort to come across as better than the americans when you are far worse for discarding a culture that has, in many respects, elements that are superior to those whom you, strangely, and fondly, refer to as 'those across the pond'.

For goodness sakes.

